100 Employers at the Diversity Job Fair - November 16th, 2018 Amway Center Over 6,000 W-2 Jobs, Career Expert Speakers and Free Professional Head Shots
Media Contact:
Roger Lear
October 19, 2018 – (Orlando, FL) – This year’s job fair at the Amway Center on November 16, 2018, from 11 am until 3 pm promises to showcase some of Central Florida’s top employers. The ten-year anniversary of The Florida Blue, Florida Classic Career Expo & Diversity Job Fair will feature over 100 employers and 6,000 open W-2 jobs.
A variety of employers from over 15 sectors (both private and public) will be present. This event will feature jobs in healthcare, hospitality, education, trade skills, engineering, customer service, police, government defense industry and many more.
“So many people ask me how a “diversity” job fair is different from other job fairs?”, said Roger Lear, President of OrlandoJobs.com. “It’s simple; employers understand that the more diversified their workforce becomes, the more profitable their companies will be. In low Central Florida unemployment, employers have a record number of jobs. Anyone looking for a great job or to changes jobs, this event is a first-class opportunity to showcase your skills directly with employers.”
Top notch companies participating include Amazon, UCF, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, UPS, Hilton Grand, Orange County Government, Regions, Pearson, Home Depot, Mears Destination Service, Harris, Orlando Health and Florida Blue to name a few. Updated information about all job fair related information can be found at www.OrlandoJobs.com/JobFair.
As important as the jobs, the career expo has four world class career speakers who can help you tackle the job search world. Lisa Maile’s session, “Power Interviewing: Present the Strongest, Most Marketable YOU” is so powerful it will make you realize that your appearance, nonverbal communication, and soft skills when perfected may be more important than many of the skills needed for the job. All sessions take place for FREE at the Amway Center.
“The career speakers are powerful and extremely important.”, said Lear states. “Getting a great job, not just any job is the key, and if you find out you are struggling in your job search, our experts will 100% absolutely help you and give you real solutions to hiring issues”.
The 2018 Florida Blue, Florida Classic Career Expo & Diversity Job Fair on November 16, 2018, is free to the public and job seekers are urged to sign up today. Free parking at the GEICO Garage sponsored by Hilton Grand and free professional headshots by Mindy Kerr Photography. All job fair information for employers and job seekers can be found at www.OrlandoJobs.com/JobFair.
About OrlandoJobs.com
OrlandoJobs.com is Central Florida’s #1 online job site, with an average of 110,000 visitors per month. The site was founded in 2005 by Roger Lear and Scott Kotroba, and is the official employment website of GOSHRM (Greater Orlando Human Resource Association (www.goshrm.org) along with partners WKMG Channel 6’s ClickOrlando.com and the Orlando Weekly (print and online).