2014 Central Florida (Orlando) Employment Outlook
Download the entire report free at www.OrlandoJobs.com/whitepaper. Job seekers, pay special attention to the section "Why employers are not hiring you". This is information directly from employers and is the real stuff!
April 1, 2014 (Orlando, FL) – OrlandoJobs.com published its sixth annual employment survey for the Central Florida region today, finding that despite robust job growth and falling unemployment numbers, more and more job seekers are caught in the “black hole” of the market. They apply and apply to open jobs, but never hear anything back and don’t have any feedback with which to revise their tactics. The OrlandoJobs.com survey found more than 11,540 Central Florida jobs currently open at the 108 surveyed companies, and an additional 17,435 jobs forecasted for the remaining three quarters of 2014. These numbers reflect the most positive survey yet since starting in 2008.
“Employers were very clear in telling OrlandoJobs.com that the influx of open jobs is a double-edged sword,” explains Roger Lear, President and Founder of OrlandoJobs.com. “It’s great to be growing, but many of the open jobs require very specific skill sets that many applicants don’t have, therefore causing a lot of work for internal recruiting and Human Resource departments. In many cases, employers just flat out don’t have enough time to give status updates to those who applied, causing many job seekers to never know where they stand on a particular position (the infamous black hole), and thus lose heart in the job search.”
As part of the white paper, OrlandoJobs.com included a Tips For Job Seekers section, sharing the most common mistakes employers reported seeing in applicants. Those mistakes include:
-Submitting an unclear resume.
-Grammar, spelling, incomplete sentences or leaving sections of the application blank.
-Not researching the company before the interview.
-Not being honest about a gap in employment.
-Doesn’t meet qualifications for position – job seeker is obviously applying to every open job they see.
“Exact skill match is the rallying cry for 2014,” states Lear. “Before the great recession (when unemployment was under 4% in Central Florida), desperate employers would pretty much hire anyone with skills even close to the requirements. The BIG difference for 2014 is that even though the unemployment rate is below 5.5%, employers are choosing to grow their companies only with people they know have the exact skills their company needs.”
Other findings from the survey include a breakdown in jobs open by industry, the role that social media is playing in employment, the greatest challenges employers face, their best advice for job seekers, and the companies that are forecasting the largest number of open jobs for 2014. Download the survey in its entirety at www.orlandojobs.com/whitepaper.