Job Postings Are More Important Than Your Corporate Career Site
The latest jobs report came out, and the United States economy is humming. The Orlando area unemployment rate is 3.3%. Employers everywhere are struggling to find reliable, qualified talent to fill open positions. In times like these, for many types of jobs, you have to use many resources to find that person that may not even exist. Your career site, live career fairs, job boards, social media, and database recruiting are just a few options.
In helping many companies with job marketing strategy, one of the best ways to increase applications is to treat each job your posting like its own website. For example, at, you have the ability to make your job posting stand out by adding pictures, your social media, video, employment brand, and employee testimonials.
This is very important because job seekers are using their phones, and they all start at a job posting, not your company career website. Your job board posting partners should give you the tools to make your job posting stand out.
Sites like Indeed, which essentially is a job listing service, has no branding. All jobs look precisely the same. That is why an effective job posting strategy should include multiple sites, including a generalist site, a niche or city site, and your companies career site.
The best way to think about your job posting strategy is to think about how a job seeker would find your job in the first place? Did they find your position on Google, an alert by a niche job board, searching for a job board, social media, or your career site? It’s hard to measure, but once they click on the job, what appears can be the difference between an application or a quick bounce away.
Take this into consideration when formulating your job posting/branding strategy:
- Job postings have their own URL’s. Each URL is its own website that you can easily share on your social media, blogs, and target emails.
- Your job description is critical. What makes a powerful job URL is the job description combined with video, graphics, testimonials, and social media built into the job frame. Very powerful.
- Job seekers access your job posting 70% of the time on their smartphones. Make sure your branded template loads well on all mobile platforms.
- Want more applications? Instead of a redirect to your applicant tracking system, have a short form to collect minimal information, then send the applicant a link to complete the application. In your branding job URL, letting the job seeker know you can apply in 60 seconds, you will get many more applications. Sending them to your long ATS application process loses over 70% of interested candidates.
- Branded templates provide job seekers with a lot of information. In monitoring our client's branded templates, we noticed not only an increase in applications as well as excellent skill matched applicants.
- A well-designed job posting is designed to make sure that window shopper job seekers come into your store and apply to that job. In any job market, you want to give potential hires a compelling reason to apply.
The results you will see with branded templates and treating each job as its own website will change your job posting strategy forever!