Largest Job Fair in Florida - 11/18 at Amway Center - Tips and Info


Looking for a new job?  Next Friday (11/18/2016) at the AMWAY Center, presents the 8th Annual Florida Blue Florida Classic Career Expo & Diversity Job Fair. 

This job fair is one of a kind.  It will feature over 100 employers and 6,000 plus W-2 jobs.  It will also feature real career information sessions by top career experts. All this is FREE (free parking and registration). All the information for this event can be found at

**BREAKING** Free Professional High Resolution Headshots to all Job Seekers provided by Mindy Kerr Photography!  Great for your LinkedIn and social media profiles!

Mindy Kerr Photography


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If you have been applying to a lot of jobs and not getting the results or feedback (in many cases not hearing anything at all) you desire, how can a live career fair really help you get a great job?  For one, you get to meet real recruiters who have real jobs and want to make real hires.  This is all you need to know.  But just like the online application that may not yield a great job, a trip to the AMWAY Center on November 18th without being prepared is something you want to avoid.  This event is a one-time opportunity to make a great impression not only to find a job but get real career education. 

To make this event successful, here are a few tips:

    Your first impression to these live recruiters IS the most important thing you control to GET THE EMPLOYERS ATTENTION. 

    Once you get their attention, make sure you have done your research so you can talk about specific jobs they have open. Do your research on each company before you come to the AMWAY and make notes.  We update our website with the employers regularly.

    Keep good eye contact and listen to what they recruiter is saying.  Be prepared to answer any job-related questions with your experience.  Use real examples to describe yourself.  For example, if asked do you have management skills, the answer is not yes.  Instead use your real experience. “I have 4 years of managing a team of 8 customer service representatives.  My team in the 2015 was ranked #4 out of 543 nationwide.”

    Let the recruiter know that you very interested in the job and would like to know what next steps may look like.  DO NOT FAIL TO DO THIS.  Make good notes of your conversation so you can reference that in future correspondence.

    Get a business card from the recruiter so you can follow up with them ASAP after the job fair.  When following up, attach your resume and reiterate your excitement for the job and your matching experience.

    We have outstanding speakers again this year and they will help you really understand and solve many of your job seeking challenges.  DOWNLOAD the career speaker sessions here.  Lisa Maile’s session at 12:45 is Power Interviewing: Present the Strongest, Most Marketable YOU! is a can’t miss session.  All sessions are free.

The event is free to all and is the largest job fair in Central Florida.  Parking is Free and the GEICO Garage (thanks Hilton Grand Vacations Jobs)  Please share this event to anyone who may need a job. 



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