Prepare Yourself Now for Post COVID-19 Hiring-Optimize Your Resume and LinkedIn Profile!
I can feel it. Employers are starting to think about the next steps for post-COVID-19 hiring. Our Central Florida employer survey last month clearly showed that many people had been furloughed while waiting for the go-ahead sign to get back to normal. Employers plan on rehiring as many of the workers back that they just laid off. It seems like an easy plan, but guess what, life gets in the way. Think about all the changes you are going through right now, whether you are working or without a job.
Former employees may not come back for the following reasons:
COVID-19 lockdown has already lasted six weeks. Many workers may have found other jobs.
Former employees collecting state and federal (stimulus) unemployment (up to $840.00 per week) may wait to reenter the job market until August.
They may not be asked to return. Many employers are using this time to upgrade their workforce, and if someone was not an “A” player before COVID-19, this is an excellent opportunity to add a better fit with fear of wrongful termination.
Many job seekers were unhappy with their jobs anyway before COVID-19. The time off has provided a lot of time for many to reflect and adjust their next career moves.
Those four reasons are why Central Florida is going to have a lot of job openings in all sectors. For job seekers, this will be a welcome sign.
However, if you use your pre-COVID-19 job search strategy to get a better job post virus, you will not be successful in your job search.
What am I saying?
You have to optimize your resume and LinkedIn profile if you want to find a great job, not just any job. A 2020 resume does not get you a job; it gets you an interview, and over 80% of resumes are not optimized. Your LinkedIn profile makes your resume come to life and gives employers a way to find you for openings they may not even post anywhere. Optimizing your resume is the most important thing you can do right now to get ready for post virus hiring.
I just completed this webinar that I think you will find extremely helpful. I take you step by step and show you exactly how to create and optimize your resume and LinkedIn profile. To do this, I do resume and LinkedIn profile makeovers. If you follow this advice, you will get more interviews, and that means you will ultimately get the job you want, not just any job. If you like this webinar, please comment!