The Benefits of Co-Working Spaces
If you’re a freelancer, small business owner or just work remotely, you know that working from home can be a lonely experience. When you are caught up in your work, it’s easy to go a whole day without interacting with people. That routine can be exhausting and can sap your creativity.
But renting a traditional office space is expensive, and being locked into one space can be just as draining as working alone.
Fortunately, there’s another option available for workers and business owners in the Orlando area: co-working spaces.
What is a Co-working Space?
Co-working spaces work like fitness centers and health clubs. You pay a set membership fee, and you get access to a desk space, conference rooms and high-speed internet. You may work alongside dozens of people, all who are like-minded professionals working on their own businesses.
Many co-working spaces are open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. If you like to work in the mornings, and then head home for a workout and a nap, you can do that. Or, if your best work happens at 2:00 am, you can pop into the space, and likely find other professionals on the same schedule.
You can work when it is best for you, but you will have access to other people to provide social interaction, brainstorm help and inspiration. And the results are pretty staggering. According to a DeskMag study, 71 percent of participants reported a boost in creativity after joining a co-working space. Over 60 percent said their work quality improved, too.
Co-working Spaces in Orlando
Orlando has embraced the co-working phenomenon and has several dynamic spaces available to entrepreneurs and remote workers:
- Catalyst Spaces: Located near the central business district, Catalyst Spaces offers flexible options. If you need to come in a few days a month, you can get a plan for as little as $99. If you need access Monday to Friday, a monthly membership will cost you $225. For an extra cost, you can reserve a set spot for yourself, get 24/7 access or even get a private office. Catalyst Spaces also has conference rooms, phone booths and a craft coffee bar.
- Sbrubbles: Sbrubbles is located on Washington Street and offers both working space and private offices. A membership is available for $225 that gives you access during normal business hours. If you want access around the clock, upgrade to the $375 plan and get a dedicated desk. For entrepreneurs who need an office location, Sbrubbles offers a local business address, mail services and more.
- Hub925: If you’re interested in a co-working space outside of downtown Orlando, check out Hub925 in the Dr. Phillips area. Hub925 also offers some of the most affordable co-working options; get access five days a week from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm for just $199. Unlimited access, including 24/7 permissions and weekend work-time is available for $459.
Co-working spaces allow for maximum productivity and make remote work less lonely. Away from distractions of your home, such as chores or pets, you are surrounded by other committed professionals focused on growing their business. You can collaborate and get a fresh perspective on your work, allowing you to excel. If you are ready to make the change, Orlando has many options available to you.