Why Mobile Recruiting is Really Important
I bet many of you carry cell phones. If I am looking for a new Human Resources Manager in Orlando, how powerful would it be if I could text my job to all of you who qualify and live in Central Florida? I know one thing for sure, you would read the text. Texting by far leads the pack when it comes to getting someone’s attention.
Welcome to my definition of mobile recruiting. Sure, it’s simple, but I know if I can text or email my open job to qualified candidates that I have met at conferences, meetings, associations, through previous job postings or marketing campaigns, I have a greater chance of really kicking up the job search. It’s kind of like the “breaking news” texts you receive. The challenge, of course, is getting permission from potential qualified hires that they are okay with you sending them an email or text with a great job. This isn’t as hard as you think.
Your cell phone number and email address are actually like a strand of DNA, a social security number or a driver’s license number. If we could tie your ten-digit number directly to your background in human resources, we can then send you great jobs. Most of you are not looking for a new position, but many want to be updated and notified of great jobs—especially if they are delivered to your cell phone. Many of you want to keep up with what is going on in your profession; and if that information can be directly delivered to you professionally without you having to lift a finger, it’s a good thing.
OrlandoJobs.com has gone completely mobile. If you are a nurse and have allowed us to send you our client’s openings, you will be able to quickly view them on your phone. We have been building these talent communities for years and we are excited that targeted job seekers can apply directly to your jobs via their phone.
When you post a job on OrlandoJobs.com, everyone who qualifies that is already in our talent community will get YOUR job by email and they will be able to view it via their mobile device with your company branding. With so many qualified candidates already enrolled in our program, our clients like the idea that we cast a net and reach potential qualified candidates that may be good for your position.
Better yet, many of these candidates are passive (currently working). If your job title and job description are well-written and enticing, this will go far in attracting top talent to your organization.