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If you are a member of LinkedIn, you already know how this site can be a very valuable resource especially during a job search. LinkedIn is really a large public resume database that gives recruiters and companies looking for talent an organized place to find your credentials.
For most people, they have a tough time networking for jobs. It usually goes south because the people you meet cannot directly help you. But you want to convert these people into your personal “job angels”.
A common question I get from job seekers in the middle of a job search is, “How important is my LinkedIn profile to employers?”. The answer is simple. It’s critical.
Central Florida Employers Don’t Want Job Seekers Pictures on Resumes but it’s Okay on LinkedIn
Our 2015 Employment Outlook for Central Florida we asked 93 Central Florida companies if they think job applicants should put their photos on their resume (page 10). Not surprisingly, only 11% thought this was a good idea. -
Like all social media, those who stand out (which means they have optimized profiles) are the ones that usually get the interviews. Also, never forget that 90% of all recruiters (companies and third-party recruiters) search LinkedIn every day looking for your optimized profile. In a post covid hi...
Employers are starting to think about the next steps for post-COVID-19 hiring. Our Central Florida employer survey last month clearly showed that many people had been furloughed while waiting for the go-ahead sign to get back to normal.
You may have heard the saying that the “web is your resume, and social media is your references”. It is a very true and powerful statement. According to SHRM, 56% of organizations are currently using social media to recruit future employees. Is it fair? Is it legal? All those questions will be an...
No matter what type of job, sector, experience level or location you may be looking for to get a great job in Orlando takes some strategic job search planning. Great jobs reside at companies that you may never even knew existed. To get a great job at ANY level, I have put together my top five thi...
The number one challenge most job seekers have is applying to jobs and waiting to hear back from the employer. Resumes don't get jobs; they get interviews, and so many of you apply for jobs you know you can do but have yet to meet the employer.
The one thing most job postings don't include is what job seekers find the most helpful. The salary range.
This month, I thought I would share four recruiting tools that you should check out. If anything, these are fun to experiment with if you have some spare time!
Do you know what keyword you need to be to get your next job? It's tricky.
Companies want to grow, but many are experiencing the double whammy; longer time to fill new job requisitions as well as losing key employees to their competitors.
If you are engaged in a job search and sending out numerous resumes and applications without hearing anything back from the employer, you are not alone.
We answer your questions! Including how to ask for a salary range before an interview, what employers look for in a resume, and what causes an interview to go wrong.
Since the beginning of time, word of mouth is still the number one way to find new talent. That still holds true today.
You already know why you turn so many applicants away. "Not qualified" or "horrible resume." But maybe the job seeker is saying the same about your job posting.
There are numerous surveys that certainly make the case 60-90% of employers at least peak at you social media. But what effect does this really have on you getting hired?
I have always told job seekers that if you can find a hiring manager at a company you want to work for who is active on Twitter, you hit a homerun.
How much value does an employer actually put on your LinkedIn, Facebook, Google + or Twitter account? Depending on the company, it turns out to be quite a lot.